The corporate mission statement is something like the basic law of a company. It describes the company’s self-image as well as its goals, values and rules. Every company should use its mission statement as a guideline for its decisions at all levels. However, this presupposes that the mission statement is clearly understood by both employees and customers. But this is precisely where many companies have problems. Most companies have so far only written down their mission statements in text form. These often leave much to be desired in terms of language and comprehensibility, to say the least. More and more companies are therefore deciding to actually communicate their mission statements in pictures. Find out more in this article!
2021 Communication Lab analysed the mission statements of 35 German insurance companies in a comprehensive study. It turned out that most of the corporate mission statements are moderate to difficult to understand, according to the so-called Hohenheim Comprehensibility Index. Only 10 of the 35 mission statements were classified as easy to very easy to understand. The study also provides information on the reasons for this: according to the study, it is mainly long and complicated sentences, a high information density as well as complex and abstract terms that limit the comprehensibility of most corporate mission statements.

In order to better convey the information of their mission statements, more and more companies decide to visualise them – for example with our Big Pictures. The dialogue based on a visualisation offers a decisive advantage over written mission statements: a visualisation creates a concrete image of the mission statement that is relatively easy for the viewer to remember. Even abstract contexts can be presented in a simple and understandable way. And before-and-after scenes show concretely how goals can be achieved or what measures will change in the company in the future. Corporate values can be depicted very easily.
And in times of New Work and hybrid working, visualised corporate mission statements can go even further. If the physical workplace is disappearing as a means of identification for employees, or at least becoming less of a feature, Big Pictures can be integrated into internal communication in a variety of ways – both online and offline. For example, the pictures can be discussed, developed or worked with in digital meetings. Or how about the visualised corporate mission statement as a desk pad for colleagues in the home office? Through visualisation with Big Pictures, the corporate mission statement can take on an omnipresent role in internal communication, so that everyone in the company knows where the journey is going at all times!
Your mission statement as a big picture
You have defined a corporate mission statement and want to use this as well as an image? We are happy to show you examples in a video call and discuss how we can convert your textual mission statement into your big picture. Click here for the inquiry.