Ein entscheidender erster Schritt ist die Erkenntnis, dass Unternehmenskultur maßgeblich über den Erfolg oder Misserfolg von organisationalen Initiativen zu Performance, Lernen, oder Zusammenarbeit entscheidet. Tatsächlich scheitern über 50 % der Transformationsprojekte an einer unzureichenden kulturellen Anpassung (Quelle: McKinsey, “Why do most transformations fail?”, 2019).

Ein entscheidender erster Schritt ist die Erkenntnis, dass Unternehmenskultur maßgeblich über den Erfolg oder Misserfolg von organisationalen Initiativen zu Performance, Lernen, oder Zusammenarbeit entscheidet. Tatsächlich scheitern über 50 % der Transformationsprojekte an einer unzureichenden kulturellen Anpassung (Quelle: McKinsey, “Why do most transformations fail?”, 2019).

BVV Pension Management GmbH uses Big Picture to clearly present its wide range of employee benefits in the areas of values, mobility, benefits, health and prospects. This visual aid is used for both internal and external communication to inform potential and existing employees about the services offered.

WHY does the company do what it does (purpose, mission), WHAT does the company do (brands, business model) and HOW does the company achieve its goals (culture, vision). The big picture should clearly illustrate the company’s value chain with memorable imagery and concrete examples. With the help of the picture, employees should understand what they are contributing to when they act in accordance with the company’s transformation principles. The needs of the target groups should also be clearly recognisable and the examples should be used to illustrate what New Work SE wants to achieve on the market and what should therefore also be achieved for the Group’s brands.

Surely you know that DÄNISCHES BETTENLAGER changed its name to JYSK some time ago. But did you know that the company was originally founded in 1979 under the name JYSK? Today, JSYK is one of the largest trading companies in the world in the field of sleep & living. And the company is convinced that it owes this success above all to its employees! For this reason, JSYK does a lot for its employees – and is now showing them this with a Big Picture!